im hoping other people watched the mtv movie awards. i really am. i think paris is gonna kill someone lol. this is hilarious. and sad. at least gerard butler got an award.
happy easter everyone. xristos anesti. i hope, whether youre spending time with family, friends, or just chillin, that each of you feels special for some reason today. youre all really great people and i hope you just have a great day. so...yea. heres to...everyone i guess. happy easter.
Ken: No don't take me out coach! I know I have weak little arms, but I can still be a good player! Me: Ok. Ken: *smiles* ....*farts*
oh man..i had the coolest friggin wierdest fuckin dream ive ever had. i laughed so damn hard. theres a lot more..i wrote it all down i didnt wanna forget lol. funny/wierd dreams are the shit lol