Sep 19, 2011 12:24


UPDATED (11/10/12).

Wait. What?
Character arrivals.
About the ship.
"Jumps" and the jump drive.
Comms devices.
Filters & private messages.
Missions and events.
What's with the numbers?
Ship currency.
Can my character die?
Re: Bad Things.
IC/OOC pacing.
Activity requirements.
Canon updating.
Webcomic characters/canon OCs.
Original characters.
AU characters.
Previous game history.
App recycling.
Canonly dead characters.
Power caps.
Application approval.
Anything else?

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general questions.

Wait. What?Hey, congratulations. You always wanted to go into space, right?


Well, now you're kinda stuck here.

How will my character arrive?Characters arrive each time the Tranquility jumps to or from another location (or in OOC terms, after each app period). As described in the premise, your character will wake up, clad only in their their undergarments*, in a grav couch (essentially a G-force resistant stasis tank) aboard the Tranquility. It’s unclear how long they’ve been there, if they were placed in the tank, or simply appeared in it. Upon being released from the grav couch, they’ll be disoriented from the jump (for up to 36 hours, depending on your character’s durability levels). Their canon memories will come back to them slowly.

The number on their arm will lead them to a locker room just off the medbay, where they’ll find their locker. Inside should be the inventory, or all the items that arrived with them, along with a.) a crew-issue jumpsuit, and b.) plain black crew-issue underwear. (Swords, clothing, guns, wallets, etc., are all acceptable inventory items. The locker will accommodate most anything that does not exceed the dimensions of 8'x3'.) After your character re-appropriates anything that belongs to them, they will be told to please take the blue lift to the passenger quarters, which is where their room will be. Game start! Your character is now free to post to the network, explore, or meet fellow characters.

*For armored characters: If the armor is part of a life support system, or is somehow attached to the character's body and cannot be removed without pain or severe discomfort, then the armor will remain on the character's body within the grav couch. If the armor is removable and can fit into the 8'x3' locker, then your character will find it there. As stated, weapons that do not exceed those dimensions, such as guns, swords, or staffs, etc., can also be found in a locker upon arrival.

If your character's weapons or armor are bigger than 8'x3', they can be requested via the item requests page. If approved, they'll appear on the ship for your character shortly.

What's the ship like?Think "deep space labyrinth" and you've pretty much got it. The ship is essentially a floating city with some really creepy architecture and plenty of space to get lost in-with no helpful skein of thread to speak of, unless you count the NPCs or the comms devices. There are a lot of rooms and huge sprawling complexes, some of which are easily accessible, and some of which... aren't. Despite possessing state-of-the-art FTL (or Faster Than Light) technology, the Tranquility travels at a relatively slow speed when that technology is not engaged.

Some of the ship's facilities include:

KITCHENS. Each level of the passenger quarters has a huge, high-tech kitchen/dining area with which to cook meals. There is every kitchen accessory and appliance there imaginable-stoves, dishwashers, freezers, pots and pans, ovens, bowls, dishes, and a huge store of plates, glasses, and eating utensils. Your character may eat anywhere, but only the kitchens, passenger rooms, and common areas have specifically-made cafeteria-esque tables on which to dine. Nobody has to look very far in order to enjoy the comfort of a well-furnished eating area.

FOOD. Your character will have found non-perishable food items in the kitchens (and there's a lot of it, located primarily in the pantries and cupboards). When the ship arrives at and outpost, non-homegrown perishables will be re-stocked, such as dairy items and fresh meat; your character can cook themselves whatever they'd like using the resources at hand. The oxygen garden's stock of fresh produce has grown unchecked in the past month due to lack of staff care, but further cultivation of such fruits and vegetables is indeed an option, should your character would like to try their hand at gardening. If your character has remained in an alien form and has special dietary needs, assume what they require is located on the ship in some fashion.

BATHROOMS: Along with a kitchen, each level on the ship has a communal bathroom, but only bathrooms in the crew and passenger quarters have luxurious, expansive versions (not unlike those five star hotel types), with multiple showers and bathing units installed.

PASSENGER ROOMS. Although room numbers will not be strictly enforced ICly, it will generally be assumed that characters are living in the rooms assigned to them by their crew number, which acts as a keycard to the rest of the ship. Visit the residencies page if your character decides to set up in a new location or share a room.

To read more about the ship and its locations, feel free to visit the Tranquility's information page.

What is a "jump"? What does the jump drive do?Pseudo-physics time! Spoiler: your mods are not physicists. A jump, as defined in Ataraxion’s universe, takes place at a point where the curvature of spacetime is particularly weak. At one of these points, the ship is able to create a wormhole with its jump drive, and can slip through it to appear on the other side.

As for the technology involved, the Tranquility’s jump drive generates a wormhole that encompasses the entire ship so that it passes instantaneously from one place in space to another. In order to open a wormhole, the jump drive first accelerates the particles around the ship to extreme speeds; this opens a bridge from one space to another, using a “sandwich” dimension to connect the two wormholes. The drive pulls negative energy from the bridge universe in order to keep the ship stable and both portals open.

In reality, this process lasts for only a second. Time in the bridge universe is unquantifiable. Both space and time work a little differently in the bridge universe, since the ship is essentially a 3-D object traveling through a 4-D space, but don't worry! Your character is protected from almost all of the effects of the bridge universe by both the grav couches and by the design of the ship itself.

Additionally, the name ‘jump’ and ‘jump drive’ are both misleading, as the ship does not technically move during the jump (insofar as engines and thrusters are concerned). Think of it as a dinner table setup, where the settings are the ship, and the tablecloth and table represent two points in space. if you take the tablecloth and yank it quickly and skillfully out from under the plates and silverware, they remain there, only now they occupy space on hardwood instead of cotton. The act of "yanking" would equate to the wormhole. Make sense? No? It's cool, we have no idea what we're talking about either.

As it takes massive amounts of energy to use, the jump drive cannot be used consecutively and must replenish its power supply before executing another jump. This is where space stations and other outposts come into play.

How do the comms devices work?For a super-advanced, FTL-enabled spaceship, the Tranquility's comms devices sure look suspiciously like cell phones. The comms devices tap into the ship's internal communications network, and can send audio, video, or text messages to either individual recipients or the network as a whole. The network provides real-time transmissions and reaches 99.9% of the ship, ensuring that characters are always connected to the network. (And really, the occasional dead zone is nothing to worry about-not on a ship the size of the Tranquility, anyway.)

In addition to being a handy-dandy communications device, the comms also function as a computer! They're designed more for function than for entertainment, hence the lack of solitaire-or anything else that might not be entirely designed for productivity-but on the bright side, it's almost impossible to destroy one of the comms devices. Should characters desire, it is possible to load games, movies, or books onto the comms devices using one of the media libraries; however, it should be noted that it is absolutely impossible to find media from characters' home universes in the libraries. Hope you like far-future soap operas!

Can my character filter their posts or send private messages?Encryptions and private messages are both functions of the comms devices. Be careful what you choose to say, however-there’s no guarantee your transmissions are as secure as you think they are.

How will the missions and events work?Although every mission and event will be slightly different-and probably contain a few surprises for the players-there are a few organizational steps that we try to keep consistent from event to event. All mod-run plots will be placed on the calendar page at the beginning of each month. One week before a plot or event is due to start, an official planning post will be made in the OOC community. This post will serve as an initial outline of the plot itself, as well as provide a space for players to hash out any individual plans they may have. Posts will also be made in the OOC community to announce the beginning and end of the event. The ending OOC post is simply meant for reference; tags will not suddenly close on a post after the event is over, but time has "officially" moved on after that point. (Although we encourage backtagging on event posts, we do ask that you wait to make event posts until after the initial OOC post is made.)

So what’s with the numbers?The tattoos are nanotechnology; that is, the "ink" is made of up of millions of nanites, which have been injected into your character while in stasis. All nanotech is highly versatile and cannot be rejected by the body once introduced to the immune system. Each tattoo is located on characters’ left inner forearms, essentially serve as “keys” to the ship. They provide the ship’s automated systems with a mechanism with which to recognize characters as official members of the crew, and they also help characters find their locker, room assignment, and anything else they may need while onboard. Upon arrival, the tattoo consists of a single three-digit number; once characters formally agree to join the crew, the tattoo will shift to reflect their division as well as their serial number, like so:

DIV » ### » ###
In addition, the nanites also provide a nearly-instantaneous translation system, neatly skipping over the problem of the language barrier. Think of them as a sort of technological Babel fish, if Babel fish also opened doors. Colloquially known as "babeltech" outside of corporate environments and transport vessels.

You can try to get rid of the tattoo, of course, but it’s... not a good idea.

Does the ship use currency?There is no currency system currently in place; it didn't play much of a role on the ship before the disappearances, and that is likely to continue. The original arrangement on the Tranquility for both passengers and crew was based on a credits system; each passenger was given a certain number of credits to "spend" per week, based on the amount of money paid to the government before ship launch. These "credit accounts" were accessible by using the nanite tattoos. Since most of the Tranquility's journey and original mission was government funded, basic necessities were free, and everything else was "paid for" with those credits.

However, this is a system that will not be in place when characters arrive on the ship. Everything you need to survive (water, food, electricity, living quarters, etc.) will be provided for free. Use of sanctioned facilities (rec rooms, kitchens, pantries, media libraries, etc.) are also free. If characters do need to "pay" each other, a character-created barter or favor-based system is probably going to be the most efficient way of getting things done.

Can my character create a business?Businesses of any sort can be character-run and created, but there aren't any onboard at this time. If you wish to open a business, please submit a request to the requests page.

What purpose do the jobs/ranks serve?When the Tranquility first set out, there was a clearly defined job hierarchy in order to help make things run as smoothly as possible. After the disappearances of the passengers and most of the crew, this hierarchy fell to pieces. The leftover jobs are being managed haphazardly by the NPCs in order to keep the ship in stable condition, but two people can't efficiently run a ship of this size by themselves; they'll need some help. Your character is not required to join a department, but they are certainly able! Note: although joining a department only requires filling out the form, department heads will be appointed by the NPCs at a later date.

Additionally, this isn't a final job listing by any means, and players are welcome to come up with their own jobs for characters if they don't feel that their characters fit any of the choices listed. Again, you may submit a request to the requests page or contact us separately in order to determine your character's job or rank, for both official ranks (OPR, MED, SEC, etc.) and original jobs.

If you have submitted an original business request for your character, there is no need to submit a job request, as both of these go hand in hand.

Can my character die? Is it a permanent death?Yes and yes. However, not all of the missions or events will be deadly, and all fatal situations will come with OOC warnings. If you do want your character to be killed in a mission or event, there will be death signups. Otherwise, your character will probably sustain a few crippling injuries that can be fixed up neatly with the help of the nanites and the automated medbay. (Be aware that the healing process may take a while. Choose your missions wisely!)

What happens to my characters after they’re dropped?After being dropped, characters are mysteriously displaced by the jump drive. Presumably they’ve been returned to their home universes, but no one knows for sure.

Sounds like Bad Things are going to happen.Short answer: yep. Bear in mind that this is a horror game, and events may take place of a triggery and/or disturbing nature. Your character may be scarred for life, suffer horrible injuries, die, or worse. If there is an event or mission that makes you uncomfortable in any way, you do not have to participate. Just be sure to drop us a note so we know what's up!

gameplay questions.

Tell me about the communities.◆ ataraxion, or the network community, where all IC first-person communication will take place. Your character may use the network as a personal journal, a blog, a private messaging system, or for accidental transmissions. If a video/audio/text post leads to third-person interaction, you may use actiontags. All prose should be posted in the log comm.
ataraxionlogs is where all third-person (face-to-face) interactions take place. This community is mainly for prose logs, but we'll also accept actiontag logs.
ataraxionooc is the OOC community, where players can post OOC notices, introductions, hiatuses, drops, canon updates, or general discussions. Mod or plot notices concerning the game will also be posted here with the journal ataraxites.
ataraxioff is the meme/spam community. If you like to fool around or post silly stuff or subject your character(s) to memes, this is the place to do it! If you don't, that's okay; joining this comm is entirely optional.

How is IC/OOC pacing handled here?Ideally, we’d like Ataraxion to be a slow-to-medium paced game. As it stands, 1 OOC day (24 hours) will equal about 1 IC day and night. However, sometimes time is unquantifiable in Ataraxion, and the pacing is subject to change in order to reflect that.

What are the activity requirements? What is an activity check?An activity check is basically our way of making sure that you’re still around and being active with your characters! Activity checks will be run for one week at the end of every month. The activity requirements for Ataraxion are as follows:◆ one network post or log
◆ one thread containing at least 10 comments from your character (not counting comment chains)
Characters who were accepted in the most recent app round are exempt from the activity check during their first month in-game. Unless you have declared an official hiatus before the start of the activity check, all players must complete the activity check in order to remain part of the game. If you are having trouble making the activity requirements with a character, please contact a mod before the end of the activity check.

Can I canon update my character?Certainly! You may canon update your character every time Tranquility executes a spacetime jump. They will wake from the grav couches with their new memories, and any new items they had with them in their updated canon point will be waiting for them in their locker. Their previous memories and experiences onboard the Tranquility will also remain, though it may take them some time to remember.

In order to canon update, make a post to the requests page. Once approved, be sure to give notice to your fellow players via the OOC comm!

What's the game's policy on 4th-walling?4th-walling will have to be dealt with on a player-by-player basis. Never assume it’s okay to 4th-wall the other player unless they specifically state that it’s fine; always ask!

What about muncesting?The short version? Don’t do it. It makes your mods cry.

The longer version: you may not apply for closely-related characters from the same canon, and you must keep any interactions between characters that you play to an absolute minimum-and ideally, it shouldn’t happen at all. Any excessive muncesting may become subject to mod action if complaints are brought forward.

Can dropped characters be reapped?Absolutely! When characters drop, it’s generally assumed that the jump drive just sent them back to their home universes-and even if they’ve been sent home once, that doesn’t mean that the drive can’t bring them back again...

If a player wishes to reapply for a character they had previously dropped, they have the option to bring that character back with their memories of the Tranquility intact, in addition to simply starting fresh. When dropping a character, keep in in mind that Ataraxion does not have a grace period following drops; if you wish to reapply for a character that you have previously dropped, you must resubmit an application.

application questions.

Can I app webcomic characters or canon OCs?Webcomic characters from webcomic canons (i.e. Homestuck, Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name, Starfighter, etc.) are accepted and encouraged at Ataraxion. However, canon OCs, or original characters placed within an existing canon universe (i.e. Hogwarts student OC), are not applicable at this time. (As always: if apping from a non-English webcomic, please make sure there is an English translation available, or we will be unable to accept your app.)

Can I app original characters?Yes! Please see the application page for further detail on what we'd like to see in an OC app.

What about AU characters?As of now, the only AU characters allowed in-game are canon AUs, other-game CR AUs and malleable protagonists, such as the player-characters from Dragon Age, Mass Effect, or Fallout. If your character has previous game history, their game history should be detailed in the AU section of the app.

Are non-human characters allowed? What happens to them on arrival?All types of characters are allowed! However, as Ataraxion relies heavily on physical interaction with the character's environment, your character may undergo some changes if his/her original form conflicts with general gameplay. If your character is an AI, ghost, or other incorporeal entity, you will need to place them in a human/humanoid body. If your character is animal in appearance (i.e. Amaterasu, Sonic the Hedgehog), they will also need to be humanized. Your PB choice should be specified in the "appearance" section of the application. Other organic humanoids, such as elves, vampires, satyrs, anthros, aliens, etc., and half-organics (such as cyborgs), will remain unaffected by this rule. In addition, players may choose to humanize any non-human characters not covered by the above rules as a side effect of the hyperspace jumps, but this is entirely optional.

As for height, downsizing is mandatory. The maximum height for potential crewmembers is eight feet, since anything taller than that won’t fit inside a grav couch-which is where your character needs to be during a jump, since the ship’s jump drive subjects characters to forces greater than 35G. Even if you’re an alien space robot, that's a lot of G-force, and it's doubtful that anyone would survive the jumps without the cushioning provided by the grav couches. (But hey, if you want to give it a shot...)

Humanoid aliens, elves, and other humanoid organic characters can be passed off as the result of body mods-and will probably result in some side-eyeing by the NPCs, since why would you do that, but whatever, man. Live your life. Robots, on the other hand, are a little bit trickier; we'd recommend humanizing them, but we're also willing to simply handwave say that your character got a babeltech chip implanted to go along with their shiny new (permanent-you couldn't scratch it off if you wanted to) addition to their paint job. We're flexible! If you have questions about your character's particular situation, though, feel free to contact a mod or simply leave your question here!

Can I app a character with previous game history?Yes, that's allowed, but you will be required to provide a clear and concise summary of the growth of your character at the game he/she was at previously in the AU section of the application. If the character is rendered near or completely unrecognizable as the original character, we may deny your previous game history. Also, all previous game history concerning sex games is fine, but remember to keep it tasteful. While there may be sexual themes that take place in Ataraxion, we are not a sex game.

Can I reuse sections from a previous app on my app for Ataraxion?Yes, you may reuse information sections from previous apps you have written, such as character history or personality.

Are canonly dead characters appable?Yes indeedy! If your character dies in canon, it's entirely possible that the jump drive would have picked him or her up just before they died. The ship's medbay is state-of-the-art, after all; it can't cure death, but it can patch up just about anything else. If your character is some variety of reanimated or undead, that's cool, too! Provided that your character is a little more self-aware than your average zombie, undead characters are also appable. Keep in mind, however, that if your character is a ghost, spirit, or just corporeally-challenged, he or she must receive some kind of physical body upon arrival on the ship.

Are pets allowed?Yep! Your pet can come with you. Since a pet or familiar will count as inventory, they will be locked in the locker with all of your character’s other items. If your character’s pet/familliar is larger than a locker, they will be floating in the grav couch next to you, and will need your help to get out. But, as always, be aware that the Tranquility is no place for pets. Serious harm might come to them if you decide to bring them along.

Are there power caps? Will my character lose his/her abilities?Yes and no. Ataraxion does have power caps, but we don't depower characters unless players specifically request it. Sorry, guys, but we're not an action-focused game, and the ability to blow things up with their mind actually might not benefit your character in the long run. As a general rule, any mystical or superhuman powers should be brought down to about half of their current strength. For example, Captain America or a SPARTAN from the Halo universe would not be subject to the power caps, since their abilities come from reaching peak human fitness, while Thor or Haruhi Suzumiya would.

We do ask on the application for suggestions on how best to limit your characters' abilities, since we're certainly not interested in rendering anyone unplayable, but we may ask for additional power reductions if your character is massively overpowered when compared to the rest of the game. In addition, psychic characters may have an additional limit placed on them, which we will discuss with players after their acceptance.

I applied before other players, but they’re getting approved ahead of me. What gives?When our responses and app approvals are slow, or when we appear to skip you, it's probably because we are unfamiliar with your character’s canon and are approving those with canons we are familiar with. Don’t worry, we’ll get to you! We just need a little time to catch up with your character’s canon in order to make properly informed decisions.

I have a question that isn't covered here.Feel free to contact us or ask us in the comments!

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