We live in base housing. this was our choice since we are residing in a forgein country where it would cost us double what it would back in the US. The flaw with this is that the Military in all their wisdom has made having any form of Air Conditioning other than floor fans and ceiling fans Illegal on the base. Now I understand that the country
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BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -- Thai police officers who break rules will be forced to wear hot pink armbands featuring "Hello Kitty," the Japanese icon of cute, as a mark of shame, a senior officer said Monday
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So while I enjoyed my time at VSU and wished to the gods that FCCJ would make up their fucking mind about what courses they were going of offer year after year, UMUC has to be by far the coolest college I have ever attended
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Why is it late at night that we start to remember the great music of the past? Granted it's not that late but still it is only in the darkness of night when the clubs are open and the bass is shaking the walls that we start to realize that an era of the music world is gone, although we still get reminders that refuse to die (Keith Richards anyone
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Weeelllll. I took a leap and signed up for the final exam in my transcription class even though I have not yet finished all the transcription modules. I will be going and working on some of the harder ones over the next few days but I am not too concerned. I have a good ear and a strong background with medical stuff cause of my mom
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a man in Brazil was trying to sell his wife on a brazilian version of Ebay for $50 and the acution was cancelled. Much like eBay they have a policy against selling people. It's not a bad policy but if you were really desperate to sell a person on eBay would you be able to sell them by listing it as services for sale?