Title: Second Star to the Right
icantfollowCharacters: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Prompt: #046 Star
Word Count: ~11,000
Genre: AU
Rating: PG13
Summary: Rodney's pretty sure that if his time with John hasn't scarred him for life, then at the very least he's going to grow up with a fish fetish.
Part I (
Second Star to the Right - Part II )
Comments 38
Thank you for sharing the story.
Peter Pan has always been a favourite of mine (although not the Disney version) and the bittersweetness of that tale always moves me. With John and Rodney it's just... you have no idea how happy I am that it ended well. And Radek! "Flying little cockroach"! I think I love you.
Also, the fact that Rodney was John's "Shadow" and all the kids in Atlantis were so excited to see him makes me feel all toasty inside.
And the mermaids! When I imagine them in my head, I see Sam, Elizabeth and Katie. Dunno if that's right or not, but that's how I see 'em...
*g* Exactly. I toyed with actually naming them, but decided against it. Glad you got it :)
And thank you :)
I think it was a wise move not to name them. Leaves some magic. Plus, they're mermaids, if they're called anything it's probably like Daryl Hannah in Splash.
Also, something I was thinking about... does Rodney ever incorporate himself into the stories he tells Jeannie? Does he tell her something about Shadow?
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