Title: Second Star to the Right
icantfollowCharacters: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Prompt: #046 Star
Word Count: ~11,000
Genre: AU
Rating: PG13
Summary: Rodney's pretty sure that if his time with John hasn't scarred him for life, then at the very least he's going to grow up with a fish fetish.
Part I (
Second Star to the Right - Part II )
Comments 38
I'm so glad that you didn't sugar coat this, and actually captured the kind of twisted side of Peter Pan! Rodney's realisation that he and Jeannie have to grow up, Rodney and John's fight and Radek's death are just hearbreaking...
And this -
Rodney shakes his head, though it hurts so much colors burst in front of his eyes. He pulls Jeannie in close and strokes her hair with his awkward, bloodied, adult hands.
"It doesn't really work like that," he whispers
Kills me.
Killing fairy-Radek made me tear up, but the last line made up for it! :-)
John calling Rodney his shadow was the first bit and all the way through I was grinning and feeling heart-tugs. And then Radek dying and Rodney killing the queen were really powerful moments, but the part that really had me was the ending.
John (and Teyla?) leaving Atlantis and growing up and not remembering. Rodney not remembering either but there's still something there that keeps them looking toward each other. It's so sad and hopeful. I hope everything turns out well for them.
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