at large has broken up indefinitely... yea this should have been posted about 10 months ago... go listen to roxi monoxide or something... yea theyre cool
hmm soo long time since we have updated.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm band practice sunday?? ohh yes new ish surprise niggz differrent style niglets hopefully this makes it sumwheere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! leave sum
ignore that last entry. the show lineup has changed and unfortunately atlarge and kudos to riley have been bumped. the new lineup is..
Sat., July 31st @ The Spanish Center, 24 Third Street, Fitchburg Time: 6 PM Cost: $7 Bands: Dakota, Skill of Lying, The GetAway Drive, TREOS, Human Flight Committee, and Letterday!
Sat., July 31st @ The Spanish Center, 24 Third Street, Fitchburg Time: 6 PM Cost: $6 Bands: Dakota, At Large, Skill of Lying, The GetAway Drive and Kudos to Riley