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Comments 62

beautyrose October 6 2005, 20:53:18 UTC
Hi ^^ I just wanted to let you know that I've nominated this icon:

... )


attaining October 8 2005, 04:18:21 UTC
Thank you!


crimsontyde375 July 9 2006, 12:51:08 UTC
Hello.....found you at random...mind if I read? I will bite back if YOU bite me!!!! *sticks out tongue*


attaining July 10 2006, 04:14:29 UTC
Hi! Haha, sure! I will try to restrain myself!


crimsontyde375 July 10 2006, 22:38:52 UTC
Does that mean I can add you?


attaining July 11 2006, 03:44:03 UTC


coastal_spirit September 8 2006, 04:06:58 UTC
I enjoyed your insightful comments about Furuba chapter 132 on miyabita13's LJ, and they led me here to your journal, where I found lovely icons (nabbed a whole bunch) and more interesting posts on a variety of things. Do you mind if I friend you? Feel free to friend me back if you wish. I think we have quite a few things in common, although if you go to read my LJ you'll find that a lot of my posts are friends' locked for various reasons. Looking forward to talking to you.


attaining September 8 2006, 05:49:42 UTC
Haha, I don't know that ANYTHING I say is insightful, but thank you!! Please do! I warn you that I talk a lot am easily excited and might abuse things like CAPS LOCK and exclamation points!! I am year of the rabbit, after all. ;)

You instantly WIN for that Mark Twain quote. Added.


coastal_spirit September 9 2006, 21:26:54 UTC
Oooh, thank you! You sound like my type of person. ^_^ I'm a snake myself, so I tend to ramble on and on and on, sometimes making no sense at all. ;)

Yes, that Mark Twain quote just about sums it up, doesn't it?


attaining September 13 2006, 07:59:43 UTC
That is excellent! I bet you eat your soba with great confidence!!!

I was looking at your icons. You 'ship Yuki/Kyo??


bouncywild September 24 2006, 10:34:17 UTC

I just stalked dropped in on your LJ after looking around a Furuba comm.
I think we should add each other because you like LA FEMME NIKITA!! I thought I was the only person. I was so gripped by that whole series and I grew up with it (because it takes years for a decent channel to gain rights to all the series) and was so sad at the end. :( I still watch the repeats though!

I like to speak in full genuine imatation English sentences, I have a tendency to fangirl in an "OHEMGEE I HAVE FRUITS BASKET vol.14!!! *insert drawn out entries of why I love Furuba/certain vol. I'm reading that no one cares about* kind of a way, and also about Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts as they're what keep me alive ( ... )


attaining September 25 2006, 00:56:23 UTC
Haha, yay, another La Femme Nikita fan! I have the first two seasons on DVD, and I really can't wait to find the time to be able to have a marathon. I've had a crush on Peta Wilson for years, hee! I still remember when the fans hated the ending so much that the network went back and filmed 8 more episodes to right the wrong.

Fangirling is acceptable! We all do it! I should warn you that I am current on Japanese chapters, and my journal contains lots and lots of spoilers regarding the newest chapters of Fruits Basket, in case you're still on English volumes. I try to put them behind cut-tags, but comments will probably be spoilery.

Tigers are wonderful, too!

Please, do!


bouncywild September 25 2006, 11:56:12 UTC
She's very beautiful. I was sad when it came to an end. I've always had a thing for Micheal. ;P

It's okay! I've been spoiled to a lot of it anyway so I'm fine by it. :D I'm very impatient so I'll go and look at spoilers myself when I just can't take waiting anymore. I have to wait until December for vol. 15 - it sucks.

I'll add you now! ^^ I just like to ask before I add people incase they're like "Ew. I don't wanna add you." so I give them a choice. :D


(The comment has been removed)

attaining January 20 2007, 21:09:01 UTC
Yes, please do! There is no need to ask. :)


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