Oh gosh, I finally had time to really read this and I just love it. I don't even know what to say, except that it's exciting and I love Jehan and Mer hugely. And you!
It's a bit of an experiment. How much will people identify and like the characters when they have different names? How much of our fandom feeling is tied into 'John' and 'Rodney' the actual names and all the freight of other fanon tied to them in our memories?
I hope your weekend was good, it was so bright and clear here I didn't mind working outside much.
It's hard to say if I'll end up out of SGA or not. I've been weirdly drawn to NCIS lately, reading a lot of it, but the real indicator is when I start having scene ideas for characters and that's starting to happen. But maybe it's just tremors and there won't be any big quake. I've had fandom infatuations before that never went beyond reading the fic.
Canon turned out to be really helpful this time. The Lucian Alliance bounty on Vala is canon for instance, so are Jup and Tenant, the Loop of Kon Garat, etc. And there's so much canon with ten years of SG-1. The only real difficulty lies in getting the timing to line up, but I think I've managed it.
Comments 82
I hope your weekend was good, it was so bright and clear here I didn't mind working outside much.
I saw above that you're sensing a fandom shift in yourself. I hope that, if you leave SGA, our fandoms will continue to intersect a little! <3
I love the way you've woven canon into this. And yay Janet!
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