La Mer: Master Post (Inception/Lost crossover)

Feb 03, 2011 01:13

Title: La Mer
Total Word Count: 22,364
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairings: The Inception Team; Sayid and the Lostaways; Sayid/Shannon, Sayid/Nadia, minor Ariadne/Jack
Summary: Saito hires the team to find out why crash-survivor Sayid Jarrah has been assassinating prominent businessmen. It sounds like an easy job, but only once they're in the dream do they realize all their research was based on a lie. (aka, why Sayid ended up in the Dominican Republic in season 5)
A/N: Written for inception_bang. A million thanks to shinealightonme for the wonderful beta and, as usual, to perdiccas for the encouragement and feedback.

Art: Please check out the truly amazing fanmix and cover art by the fantabulous sobota here!

Background: For anyone who has never watched Lost, here's all you need to know, in 108 words: Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on a seriously crazy magical island. The 50 survivors camped on the beach. Some people died. After 3.5 months, a few escaped; as they left, the island disappeared, making it impossible to go back for their friends. For various reasons, the survivors lied to the world, saying that eight of them swam out as the plane sank into the ocean, and that they drifted to a normal, chartable island. They said that three died and one was born, to leave six. Long ago, Sayid tortured Nadia; he spent the eight years before the crash obsessively searching for her. Post-rescue, she found and married him.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Parts 3 & 4

fic, ficfandom: lost, ficfandom: crossover, ficfandom: other

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