While I bash away at the Crossover Fic from Hell, the boys in the back room took pity on me and because the boys are kind of jerks, the idea they sent me was; what would Grissom's reaction be if he were to find out about the Greg/Sara dynamic I've created in my previous two fics set in the same verse The Shape Of Happiness and This Thing We Have? (
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Comments 51
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Grissom's a hard character to write.
Again, this was excellent. And may just win me over to the inherent greatness that is Greg/Sara.
If you want to post a "fuck you PTB" at Geekfiction you have to click on the comment deelie there. I shouldn't really link directly to my LJ b/c I get no comments at Geekfiction and I guess people might think the fic sucks...but I hate having fic all over the place. I like it to be all in one spot.
Here's my original feedback:
Ah, I loved this! This just made my day, possibly my week. Really, I may just end up a Greg/Sara shipper after all. If this is how fun and enjoyable they are.
And I love you, snark and all.
Alas, I fear that my feedback won't appease any PTB. Peu importe. You still get it.
Now, can you write me some Greg/Sara smut?
And yes...I'm trying really really hard to write dirty smutty Gr/S NC-17 fic.
One day we'll meet in RL and snark and laugh and everything will be aces. :)
Oy, I fear for the world. It would be one helluva snarkfestorama. Such fun!
I will happily await your Gr/S smutty fic.
Fantastic work, as usual!
*is so very proud*
*loves my number one fan*
That was gorgeous. And, as much as I can't stand the idea of Gil/Sara? My heart was breaking for him.
Excellent grasp of the characters and their voices. Now I want Greg/Sara smut. ;)
My heart breaks for Gil too, as much as I like Gr/S I still find G/S so poignant and powerful.
I'm working on Greg/Sara smut--trust me. *pokes the plot bunnies and shows them pornography*
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