Summary: As the Lone Islands return to Narnian rule once more, a mysterious figure emerges from the shadows of history and folklore. Will Caspian be able to discover the identity of the Pirate Queen and why she's back before the Dawn Treader resumes its journey east?
Disclaimer: The Chronicles of Narnia belong to the
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Summary: As the Lone Islands return to Narnian rule once more, a mysterious figure emerges from the shadows of history and folklore. Will Caspian be able to discover the identity of the Pirate Queen and why she's back before the Dawn Treader resumes its journey east?
Disclaimer: The Chronicles of Narnia belong to the
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Summary: As the Lone Islands return to Narnian rule once more, a mysterious figure emerges from the shadows of history and folklore. Will Caspian be able to discover the identity of the Pirate Queen and why she's back before the Dawn Treader resumes its journey east?
Disclaimer: The Chronicles of Narnia belong to the
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Summary: Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. And for Lord Peridan of Narnia, he could only dream of it as he searches for a missing prince in a foreign city.
This is a result of watching a documentary about big band music that came out of the Blitz. It reminded me of a certain scene in Doctor Who and an old crossover fic that I wrote. So this is a sequel to The Queen, the Commander and the Captain.