This will be the last post in autumnlaborra. From now on, you can go to my new college-edition livejournal, catalinacisne. It's Friends Only except for icon/banner posts, so comment on the first post and I'll friend you if I know who you are/we have something in common/you aren't a crazy stalker
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Here's a group of four Madagascar icons made for puchuupoet. All have the same quote with different pictures. 'Cause I like to give people options. 'Cause I'm nice like that.
Because of STAR testing/the end of Cabaret I finally have enough time to work on creative things, including icons. Here are two I made today... film strip brush credit = teh_indy
There is a distinct lack of information about ex-cons in the Holocaust. Jews, yes. Romas, yes. Homosexuals, communists, ukranians, poles, czechs, slavs, yes; but NO FRIGGIN EX-CONS
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I'm a member of several icon-related communities, and often times snag brushes, textures, gradients, and fonts from various people. Here is a list of those people: