Any nicknames? If so, what are the reasons behind them?: I don't have any nicknames
Your three best traits?: Easy going, diplomatic, friendly
... and your three worst?: Mischievous, lazy, eccentric
The links to three recent applications you've voted on: Lights, camera...
You're going to star in a movie! The casting directors thought you fit the role perfectly despite your lack of acting experience. What kind of role is it?: One where I don't have to face the camera? Lmao I hate cameras and would fail as an actor. o_o;; If I had skill I'd still end up as a background character or crazy person >.>
What genre are you hoping it is? Will you have a romantic love story or will you be obsessed with wood chippers?: WOOD CHIPPERS! Action-adventure... that genre has a little everything =P Story, character development, humor, and even romance
What type of music is playing in the background when you first appear on screen?: Unaggressive rock? Kind of like this?
Click to view
Do you work alone, with minor help from others, or do you rely on a whole group?: I don't care. I'm flexible... but I kinda like being in a group so I have people to talk to.
A mindless damsel (or pathetic dashing prince) is in distress and calling on you for help! Are you the type or help or simply walk away? How much danger are they in? I don't want to be blamed for someone dying and I'm not motivated enough to help if they're annoying >.> Make wise cracks and then go help? XD
Four fifths of the way through the movie, the writers decide to kill your character off. Any idea why anyone would want to kill you?I got in the way? o_o;; I'M SORRY >.>
What are some of your favorite movies anyway (and why)? Action adventure movies like I said =P Disney movies and intelligent comedies because they make me laugh... sometimes I like more serious things, but yeah, they have to be really good like Watchmen or V for Vendetta
Are you more...
Comedic or Serious: People always call me funny, but I know when to be serious
Shy or Outgoing: Outgoing
Superstitious or Factual: Factual
Simple or Complex: Complex
Lover or Fighter: "I fight for what I love"... if I'm not feeling lazy =P
Physical or Knowledgeable: Knowledgeable
Hard Working or Laid Back: Wow, can you guess by now?
Hyper or Calm: In between
"This is the end, my friend..."
Which episode would drive you the maddest if you were stuck in it for eternity? The Beach or Great Divide. >.>
Any last words?
Voting reminder: The options and descriptions can be found