The Fish Legacy - 01.06

Apr 18, 2019 07:00

Last time on The Fish Legacy:

Kayla finally got pregnant! Aaaaand she had a miscarriage.

Kayla and Axolotl are both +100 sad from losing the baby.

According to the moodlet, they will stay this sad for at least two days, which means they'll have to wait to Try For Baby again.

Axoltol waits until Kayla leaves from work to have her meltdown.

She's so devastated, she puts her head right through the wall.

And then...a miracle happens.

I hadn't realized the Emotional Bomb trait would clear all of her negative moodlets after a breakdown, but it did. And now they can Try For Baby as soon as Kayla returns from work!

Axolotl welcomes Kayla home with a hug.

And tells her she is wonderful.

She gives her a massage.

I know you're sad, lovely, but Axolotl is two days away from becoming an adult, and you're not getting younger either.

What's that floating around you, Mayor Whiskers?

Is that a FLEA??

Kayla, no! You'll get fleas!


Aw, Kayla. It's not your fault; it's mine.

Vet: Well, it seems as if all these fleas have built their home in this little buddy's hat, so...

New hat!

Since Axolotl is already in Brindleton Bay, I figured she should stop by the local lounge and continue working on her Piano skill.

Also? I've decided it makes so much sense for her to aspire toward World Famous Celebrity once she completes her Musical Genius aspiration.

Aw, Cassidy! Of course we'll go to your birthday!

Casandra is going to be such an interesting-looking adult.

Mila: I don't like my daughter-in-law hugging that heartbreaking hussy.


Cassidy's younger child, Jessica, grew up, too.

To be completely honest, I had the same reaction.

Cassidy: I mean, yeah, she may have "married" you and "gotten you pregnant," but we both know who she's still deeply in love with.

Oookay. Time to leave.

For some reason, I can't help imagining the lifter was a dude.

I got Kayla a punching bag because, well, she has a lot of Feelings.

She's no longer an alcoholic Juice Enthusiast, though, so that's nice.

This is also nice!

Axoltol only has one task remaining for her aspiration: mentor a Sim in music for 3 hours.

I was originally planning to have her mentor her children, but at this rate that may never happen, so...I have her invite Baako over, remove any items that might distract him from whipping out his guitar, then rush over to mentor him as soon as he starts playing a single song.

So what I'm saying is...Axoltol may not complete her aspiration before she dies.

In better news, Kayla's pregnant again!

Kayla: Don't say that! You'll jinx it.

Ohhhh nooooooo.


Drink up, buddy.

I'll have Kayla drink a potion once her birthday rolls around.

This is the second time we've invited Baako over for music mentoring. I'm pretty sure they haven't even made it to one hour yet.

Aaaand Axolotl earns her second quirk.

Kayla's such a BAMF.

I love her so much, you guys.

Kayla: If you need someone to help you complete your aspiration, I can play the guitar for you.

Axolotl: Must. Tolerate. Terrible. Guitar playing.

Kayla: Why did I agree to this again?

You suggested it, even.


And she's immediately halfway through her second aspiration, World Famous Celebrity.

Kayla: I wish someone would help me complete my aspiration.

You'll get there, love. But you'll have to pop out some babies first.

I hadn't realized Sims could get fan mail. Kayla's not even famous anymore.

I'm kind of curious to see if Kayla's adoring fan will be there.

Another miletone completed! Axolotl's rocking this World Famous Celebrity thing, you guys!

Even as she gets more famous, all she really wants is to ask Kayla about her day. ♥

Work it, Axolotl!

Paparazza: And this video is for my personal collection.

In preparation for the baby, I built a nursery near the foot of Kayla and Axolotl's bed.

And just in time, too!

Axolotl: My labor sense is tingling!

Not now, Cassidy!

Kayla: Did you have to wear that stupid disguise to the hospital?

I mean, I think it's pretty cute, but....

Axolotl: This is how it happens?!

I am equally horrified, every time.

Axolotl: Her heart!? But...she needs that! She uses it to love me!

It must have been too much for her, because she left the room...

The baby was born...

Aaaand my computer kernel panicked.

Kayla: You mean...I have to go through all of that again?

Just the painful parts.

Welcome to the legacy, Guitar. ♥

Total Points: 4/106
+1 Athletic (1 aspiration completed)

the sims 4, the fish legacy, generation one

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