so to prepare for hotel dusk, i played 'trace memory', the other adventure ds game its development team made. i enjoyed it but it's way too short! it only took me 4 hours to fully clear it, and that was with meandering through and obsessively checking everything, as one usually has to in adventure games. i thought maybe i had missed some stuff, but
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due to my present low mental state im taking a break from suikoden v (too much angst for me to deal with at the moment -_-; ) and started tales of the abyss. ive been meaning to play this for like a year but my general rule for getting games for awhile was that it had to hit the used store before i bought it since new games are so overpriced (the
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my paternal grandmother passed away... she had been missing for three days, my dad got a call from the security at my uncle's apartment in taipei this evening... he called around everyone we know and no one had seen her so he asked security to bust into the apartment (my uncle is away on a business trip). she had fallen and hit her head. it is a
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