Title: On the Importance of Taking Notes
Author: Ayiana
Rating: G
Wordcount: About 2k
Spoilers: Through 8.02, The Partners in the Divorce
Genre: Episode tag
Author's Note: Episode 8.02 made much of Booth's anger and his issues surrounding Brennan's decision to leave while mostly ignoring how difficult it must've been for Brennan. This fic
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Comments 23
Just...perfection. And I agree; once upon a time, they each would have seen more of the OTHER one...and they're so worried they'll each screw things up that they are too internally focused on Not Doing It Wrong to see the other one and what they BOTH need.
It has to be incredibly frustrating for her to be so incredibly brilliant academically and still feel like she has to claw for every inch of progress when it comes to the emotional stuff.
Again, thank you. I'm so, so glad this worked for you.
You made me cry. Absolutely cry. But it was a hard day today. And it is ok to cry =)
I'm a little sorry it was my story that did that to you, but if you felt better after, maybe it wasn't such a bad thing as all that.
It's good that you at least enjoyed the thing that made you cry, yes? I'm grateful of that, at least.
I'm not comfortable with TPTB ever considering Booth's alcohol use. In fact, Brennan's not so pristine in this area either. Seems that Booth can only get in touch with his feelings when he's sparring with Sweets (hate that unprofessional little twerp)or staring down the neck of a bottle.
I've mostly reconciled myself to this being true, so I'm resigned to writing what I'd like to see rather than continuing to hope TPTB will write it for me.
Regarding Booth's alcohol issues, I'm not sure the show could handle it well. They're constrained both by the genre of the show itself and by the abilities (or lack thereof) of the writers to handle the subject in an effective, rather than ham-handed manner. And I agree, we've seen Brennan slide into some gray areas on this front a time or two as well.
As for Sweets, well, maybe that's a subject best left alone, since the mere mention of his name tends to have negative affects on my blood pressure.
(This is this the part where I try and refrain from commenting that had been on the show Sweets would insinuated himself into the discussion between Booth and Brennan...)
And Sweets. Ugh. The man needs to go. In fact, he should never have been part of the cast. B&B would've been so much better off without his meddling.
Let's hope I didn't forget any words this time - I blame the cold medicine ;)
I'm thrilled that you liked it so much, and grateful to you for taking the time to let me know. So much of LJ is deadly quiet these days. It's good to know there's still somebody out there, whistling in the dark. :)
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