You guys! Vaidah started me a dance party with my ships for my birthday!!!!! Come spam us in the comments with dancing pics/gifs or just shippy ones will do!
Dear Flist you know what today is? It's my BIRTHDAYYYYYYYY! As such, you are all required to write me letters as a character please and thank you
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Dear LJ, big news, I've moved all the way to London. I'm pretty much in the "WTF WERE YOU THINKING?" phase right now, trying to get school and rooms and job sorted. Kinda terrified, kinda excited
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Please ask me questions about my Ships in the comments! Any questions! All questions! Deep questions! Silly questions! Whatever about any ship you know I sail :)
1. I discovered that Damon Salvatore is well loved by 10 year old girls. (The idea of him having to deal with 10 year old girls is hilarious!) 2. Got unquestioning support from my brother and cousin today 3. Bones was new tonight. :)