Ср, 15:35: RT @ UE: NEW | Air quality in the region around Beijing deteriorated as coal consumption increased during the past winter https://t.co/WbNJH…
Вт, 13:49: RT @ TomBaxter17: Everyone following China and/or climate issues should read this. The importance of China's next 5 Year Plan and 2020-35 de…
Пт, 19:33: Wang Yang estimated that in the worst case scenario gross domestic product growth would be one percentage point low… https://t.co/pwLvEhkAJu
Ср, 19:50: RT @ SixthTone: A man in Anhui province was served 10 days’ detention over naming his canine companions Chengguan and Xieguan - meaning "cit…
Сб, 15:30: RT @ AlexGabuev: THREAD Looking for some unlikely winners of recent breakdown in U.S.-China trade talks? They include Vladimir Putin and @ Ga…
Сб, 15:31: RT @ ChinaBeigeBook: " #China will ban all new #steel capacity in any form, the country’s econ planner said on Thurs. The announcement follow…