Title: Of Sexually Transmitted...
Pairing: YunChun, JaeSu, JaeMin, HoMin, OT5
Rating: R
Genre: Smut, Crack
A/N: Yay for genderswitch! I've finally written one where they start off as boys. LOL. Anyway, a silly fun romp that I hope you'll enjoy too.
so let go, jump in )
Comments 20
Just fucking awesome!
"I have lube!" Changmin exclaims a little too enthusiastically
*diiiies* that just made me crack up rofl. oh changmin, you boy scout. always prepared. XDDDD
tell me you'll continue this? *puppy dog eyes*
and btw, just curious.
As much as Jaejoong enjoys oral, there's nothing quite like being stuffed from both ends and watching two of your dongsaengs fuck each other silly either.
who's who here? XDDDDDDD
So glad you enjoyed it :DDDD and yes, I am planning at the very least to write the bath scene as another part. Not sure if I will continue it, but we will see. *plots away and cackles evilly* XD
fufufufu~~it'll be in the part I write next! but i'm thinking jaehochun and minsu
Thanks so much for reading *HUGGLES* <3333
I fucking love this story! The moment I read your reply to my comment you you mentioned me looking at some of your other word, I immediately ran to it and have a look at all your magnificent writing, starting with everything JaeMin!
It is so hilarious, talking to my JaeMin fan friend about this story telling him in detail of what was happening he wanted to read it too. I giggled and let my imagination run wild through the entire story, seems I have a very active one too!
Your a fantastic writer, seriously!
oh really?? hahahahha and wow! he's a boy??? that's awesome! so rare. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I seem to like writing gender switches lololol.
Thank you thank you so much!! gah. I'm so happy <3333333333!!!!
I wanna start writing, I've been writing - or role playing for the last six years, but I don't think my writing is good enough so I don't, ha!
Yeah, he's my beautiful friend =DDD
I enjoyed it a lot, my friend found it ammusing but we both came to and agreement. There should have been more JaeMin! Hehe.
I'm glad you're happy, you should be happy. You're a fantastic writer.
ooooh! try it out! I actually had never written fanfic until dbsk. It's fun times. And most people on the comms are very nice.
:DDDDDD that's so awesome. Always nice to have people to fanboy/fangirl with irl.
gaaaah thank you!!!!!!! <#3333333
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