Hmmmmmm, did you almost die? Did you have a revelation of some sort? Are you having prophetic dreams? Did you see a sign in your coffee grounds this morning; or maybe youe tea leaves? Are you predicting the end of the world? Should I follow my primal instinct and become a pure hedon? SHould I change my long distance carrier? Does this spot on my back look cancerous? Do you wanna go to the movies this weekend? WELL??? ARE YOU??? ANSWER ME GOD DAMMIT!!! THESE ARE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS I NEED ANSWERED!!!
Hehehe ::Blush:: I am the one that posted the previous paragraph before realizing that I wasnt logged in. I apologize... and on a further note... no, and I mean NO more opium dens for you young lady! If it wasnt an opium den, do you know Miss Cleo? SHould I buy a red jogging suit, some black Adidas and eagerly await a spaceship? Would you like to start a compound out in Waco? Are you talking about Post-Latter Day Saints? Should we move to Utah? Where is your Mecca Abra? Donde Esta Mecca? Aqui Aqui!! Ok I didnt see where you pointed... Lets go see a movie in Tibet, hire some sherpas, and walk up that little hill called Everest. While we hike we can sing folk songs, and you can further explain yourself. You crazy little lady. I hear its cold this time of year in Tibet, so do remember to wear a coat. A windbreaker at least.
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