"Ummm Carl says that I should make my friends Present Day cards so ummm does an' being want one? I ummmm can't go to those store places but I can ummm draw'em!"
Muse sets Carl the Bear down by a tree an' pats the top o' his little fuzzy head 'fore imaginatin' up a blankie. A being's got to have a nice place to sit for a Creation Day picnic-party after alls! After she gets the blankie all situated, she imaginates up some pretty butterfly 'lloons an' some nap-kins an' plates an' all the stuff she's seen at
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Some of the times I jus' don't 'stand fleshies. I met one tonight, he's sooooo silly! He thinks I live in his head! Isn't that jus' silly, cause if I did live in there then there'd be lots more butterflies flyin' 'round!
Muse wibble-wobbles as she walks back to her treehouse. After weeks of Fleshie Number Two watchin' an' tryin' to find the bazillion ducks, she's one tired muse. 'Specially since she couldn't find that many an' had to imaginate up lots all by her own being. But finally she's got one bazillion duckies! She just hopes the bad being doesn't notice that
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Okay peeps, here's the deal with this trainwreck. We all know Carl has been bearnapped and is now being held for ransom and since due to technical difficulties and RL on my part things got... sidetracked. For that I apologize
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To all the peeps waiting for Muse to respond to the duckies post on D_M, I'm sorry! RL hit with a vengeance (nothing bad!) and this is the first time (3:40 am) I've been able to get online. I'll have her respond later today! Once again I am sorry! I really did have every intention of being able to play earlier. *big hugs!*
Muse rushs back to her tree house almost beamin'. At first she was 'pressed cause not only didn't she see Carl in the Nexus Shore place but then she talked to a fleshie an' he started actin' like she was all feather dustry! But on her way home she started thinkin' that if she could make Sorry Dale think she was a monster then just may bees
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