Katie is definately the one snoring, hands down. Quit the union, they're corrupt to the core. Tell the manager the blackies don't work and he'll fire them. Give the telemarketers that joke where you ask them what their home number is so you can call them later, and then explain how they wouldn't like that so why would you. Tape a bag to the dogs ass Kil HIM kids.
brad I do NOT ruin your life!! you LOVE me not heart me, and you know it. the show was awesome!!! That place was perfect for ADD kds like me. sorry I was so afraid to talk to people. STAR TREK IS AWESOME!!! ok bye.
Comments 7
Quit the union, they're corrupt to the core.
Tell the manager the blackies don't work and he'll fire them.
Give the telemarketers that joke where you ask them what their home number is so you can call them later, and then explain how they wouldn't like that so why would you.
Tape a bag to the dogs ass
Kil HIM kids.
but then theres the awesome HIM ADULTS who like HIM because of the music and they shower xD I shower, I dont smoke, and im not dumb.
but little HIM kids under the age of 15 can just die. because they dont deserve HIM xP
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