1. Leave a comment saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I'll reply and give you five questions to answer.
3. You'll update your LJ with the five questions answered.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed. And it just keeps going, and going, and going.
Questions from
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Comments 13
2. Favorite song of all time?
3. What's your dream haircut?
4. Who's your funniest LJ friend?
5. What shampoo do you use?
Enjoy. :)
2. Unwritten by NAtasha Bedingfield or Feel So Numb by Rob Zombie.
3. I really want a frohawk ;)
4. tribalink =)
5. Dove, super moisturizingstuffs.
2. What was your imaginary friend's name when you were little?
3. Out of Kevin, Shawn and Matt, who would you be most likely to date? :P
4. What's your favorite book of all time?
5. Why do I love you as much as I do?
:D :D :D
2. didnt have one. tried to make one up but i know it was imaginary and it didnt amuse me. i was much more interested in drawing and writing. XD
3. aggh. the pain. uhh. not shawn. he's an awesome friend but just NO. uhh matt or kevin matt or kevin? I know matt better, but I think kevin's better looking. sometimes. i honestly think i've been too exposed to their individual insanity to answer that question.
4. anything by tamora pierce.
5. because i love you as much as I do. XD
you make me laugh, silly girl!
do me.
2. How did you get rabies? :P
3. Who was your best friend at Herz?
4. Is that story about your aunt Naima true?
5. What field do you want to go into when you get older?
2. i got rabies last year when a rabid owl-monkey kidnapped me and soled me into the clam trade in exchange for a watch. while escaping back home, i got bitten by the monkies that i hallucinated after over-dosing on prozac.
3. Ashley
4. well, parts. i do look like her, she did die, and people did hold my hand a lot at the funeral and unveiling. but my aunt isn't a bitch, and we don't have a family album, and no way would my mom ever do that for me.
5. i have no frinking clue. i want to do maths and sciences, but i know medicine is out of the question. i can't think of any other career i'd like with those qualifications, and i do want to do something artsy too. so i'm think, maybe architecture? cause i lurve itt...
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