Part CCCVI - yelled the incarnation

Mar 06, 2010 00:15

(link)"H-HERMIONE, W-W-WHAT HAVE YOU D-DONE ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

the9thdoctor March 9 2010, 21:10:10 UTC
I'm not sure why, but my brain read all of the porn in this babb in the voice of Janine the secretary from Ghostbusters.

I think it may be the fault of this:

"Oh Lily Evans if you only knew the effect you have on me. Oh yes blow me harder!"


anonymous March 17 2010, 15:31:07 UTC
the scales of the Swedish Short-Snout Cedric Diggory
Just a chosen few knew about Cedric’s animagus form...

He soon started touching her. Feeling her up and down.
As an afterthought he also felt her left and right, and, after some consideration, back and front. Meticulousness was his middle name.

"Thank you." Harry said suddenly.
Tom looked at him curiously.
"For what, my love?" he asked in return.
Harry smiled.
"For giving me a new life."
„Oh, never mind. What’s a one more horcrux, after all?”


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