wOW i hAVenT uPdatEd alOMsot iN 1 weEk tHAts alOt lmAo...
weDneSdaY <3 - wOke uP wAS toO sick to Go To SchOOl so i stAyEd hOme anD it WAs aMANDa*s bIRthday buT shE haD to WORK so i WAs hOme alOne uNtiLl lIke 11:30 wITh oLiviA anD theN i jUst chILLed wiTH her and sAt aroUnd the HousE then AROuND lIKe 6:00 mY CUsSIns cAmE oVer so lIke YEah thEN i
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