Day of Support!

Jul 14, 2009 18:40

This is a suggestion for a cancer support day here on lj

Got this from pippii who got it from woman_of lj:

I'm reposting something buzziecat just posted in her own LJ:

Recently, I was talking with some LJ friends who fought or are still fighting a battle with cancer. And, it was clear from our conversation that the love and support received from their LJ friends helped them with that battle.

So, it occurred to me that we might have a Day of Support for them and other LJ friends and loved ones who are struggling with cancer and other illnesses.

In Support, we could use the same symbol for all the posts and replies we make during one entire day. A ribbon was mentioned as a possibility for the symbol.

If you are interested in having a Day of Support, please reply directly on buzziecat's entry: here or to pippii's entry : here and also post this message to people on your flist so we can reach as many Lj-ers as possible.

The suggested day is July 20th, a Monday.

kinnetikart has made a batch of various colored icons with ribbons (including a multicolored ribbon.) Other LJ members may also be interested in designing icons. She also sends out hugs to members of my flist who have been, or are, in the same place she is now.

People may choose to use one or more icon(s) representing their illness(es) or representing the illness(es) of loved ones.

I hope many of you would want to take part in this :)

Thank you.

I generally don't do those kind of post but pippii is one person I deeply care about and I love my girl. So everything that is important to her is important to me. She is my friend and I even if I can't share her pain, at least, I can try! I want to be here for the good but also for the harder moments.
I love you my pippii

I won't be here on Monday 20th but I'll think about all of you!♥
I generally don't talk about it either but I lost my best friend because of that illness and I hate it. Deeply. I actually lost three important people to me because of it. But we're not here to talk about that, are we?
We're here to celebrate the one who are courageously fighting!♥
I admire them and I wish them all the best♥♥♥


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