HARRY POTTER, Marcus/Oliver - PG-13, "Real men wear pink" for pippii

Jul 27, 2009 12:16

Title - Real men wear pink
Pairing - Marcus/Oliver
Rating - PG-13
Prompt - Pink! for my beloved pippii
Hope you'll like that one, hon!
Summary - Oliver thinks that real men wear pink, Marcus isn't convinced.
Notes - No Beta. English isn't my mother tongue. Sorry ToT

Real men wear pink

Real men wear pink.
Marcus frowned when he saw the cover of that Muggle's magazine Oliver Wood was fond of. They were playing for the same team, surprisingly not killing each other, for three whole months now. The coach was proud, Oliver seemed happy, Marcus on the other hand didn’t feel that well. He was happier when he was allowed to punch that arrogant face. Beating him senseless was far better, safer, than thinking about kissing those pretty lips of his day after day.
"Men wearing pink are hot" Wood has said to one of their team mate earlier that same day.
Pink didn't suit Marcus, not at all, of that he was sure. Sure he never actually tried to wear pink colour, not once in his whole life but he was just pretty sure that pink and Marcus Flint just couldn’t fit. Though, a week later, he came to the team meeting wearing a tight pink jumper. He knew he was stupid and he certainly looked ridiculous but when he felt Oliver's hungry eyes travelling all over his tensed body he understood that he'd barely have time to get to the bathroom before the younger man jumped him.

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [pairing] - marcus/oliver, [character] - marcus flint, [prompts], [character] - oliver wood, [fandom] - harry potter

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