Title: Sometimes Clichés are Nice Genre: Fluff Pairing: Luhan/Yixing Summary: Yixing is your resident nerd and Luhan is the captain of the soccer team.
Title: Pillow Fights And Mended Hearts Rating: PG Pairing: Nam Soon/Heung Soo Word Count: 1418 Summary: Nam Soon and Heung Soo have a crazy punk pillow fight which then leads up to a fluffy sleepover
Title: I Remember Rating: PG Pairing: Woohyun/Sunggyu Word Count: 375 Summary: Sunggyu wonders if Woohyun remembers everything they've been through. Everything Infinite has been through. He does..
Title: Crash Rating: PG Pairing: Daehyun/Youngjae Word Count: 501 Warnings: friendship!daejae Summary: In which Daehyun literally crashes into Youngjae.