It had a been a few weeks since Danny Fenton had arrived at the barracks. Enough time to throw off suspicion at any sightings of Phantom, Danny hoped. Even if it was suspicious, he simply couldn't risk holding off any longer to start patrols. He needed to know his new surroundings. He needed to be out there patrolling for trouble and keeping an
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Look out for that white wall you can't fly through in front of you, Danny.
If you can see it.
This was a trap.
Of course, that didn't really help him figure out how to do anything useful. Like, say, finding a way out?
He skids to a halt in midair, displaying his usual complete disregard for certain laws of physics, and abruptly takes off at his highest speed in a random direction.
...And does his very best impression of a bug on a windshield. Had he ever mentioned how much he hated invisible walls?
For a second, a mirror seems to hang in thin air, and on the other side a woman with long black hair and white irises watches Danny, fingers pressed against the silvered glass. And then it's gone again, and everything is blank white once more.
"Ha ha, very funny. What do you want?"
The area around them starts to clarify into what looks like a general store, lined with empty shelves. The whole thing is done in shades of white, cream and gold. There's a long mirror behind the register, reflecting the two of them and the woods. "How does it like her home?"
"Um, very nice? I hear the whole monochrome general store thing is very in right now."
"It was nice meeting you, but I really need to get going. Patrol won't finish itself, you know. And I'm sure there's someone out there that could use some help."
He carefully avoids answering any of her questions.
"There are many that might use its help. That matters little to her."
"It matters to me. Don't get up. I'll show myself out."
And with that he turns intangible, intending to drop into the floor beneath and vanish through the ground.
"She did not say it could leave. It must study on its manners."
"You- What did you do?"
A gesture, and two glasses and a pitcher that looks like lemonade appears on the table.
And right now? Danny was pretty willing to take the guy at his word.
"Sorry, I make a policy of never drinking anything handed out by kidnappers."
The white-eyed woman tilts her head and sniffs. "It reeks of the haven. Of the Wolf and the wanderers. And -"
She jerks back and gives a deep-throated growl that doesn't sound like it should come from the throat of anything human-shaped. "What has that one done to itself?"
She reaches across the table with a too-long arm and grabs Danny's neck. "The one that calls itself Peter Burke. What has it done?"
He widens his eyes and tries to jerk back out of reach when she grabs his throat. Both of his hands come up in an attempt to pry her grip off. "Let me go! I don't know, okay! And even if I did know I definitely wouldn't tell you."
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