Nov 28, 2006 03:06
You 3 or 2 or 1, you suck, hard.
Pun intended.
Once again, all i can think about is France. I just wish my departure was in January.
Nov 13, 2006 07:04
what happened
Nov 06, 2006 05:07
i havn't heard anything from you yet.
but just fyi..
a sorry wouldn't even come close to cutting it.
Oct 29, 2006 00:57
homecoming never fails at making me happy.
Oct 11, 2006 19:32
A on my midterm. yayaya.
babysitting and cheer yesterday.
both were fine
horse today
that was fine
babysitting and cheer again tomorrow.
it will probably be just fine
Everything is just fine.
I got see Ethan today though.
That made it so much better.
Sep 26, 2006 16:49
who really needs college anyway?
Sep 13, 2006 17:13
missing the whole equine aspect of my life like crazy.
i don't know why.
but lately it has been bothering me more than you'll ever know.
Sep 10, 2006 21:42
i just want you to be smiling at every moment of every day.
that's all.
Sep 04, 2006 22:11
i don't want to go to ASR without the Cholita.
and my phone is gone.
no suprise.
i want to move soon.