you know .. i used to look kinda like roy orbison .. do you have any idea how tough it is for a gradeschooler who looks like roy orbison? bad times. :P
One of the things that I like about my job is that I can drink beer while I do much of it.
In other thoughts, why is it invariably the worst single release from an album that ends up getting airplay after the popularity of the album has passed?
While I think that Crash probably has their best songs on it, I think that Under the Table and Dreaming has to be The Dave Matthews Band's best album.
Sorry, that's all I got. I have a lot on my mind - not bad, just a lot - but little inclination to talk about it - with a notable exception - and none to write about it.
So, just let me add my own voice to the displeasure at the eminent domain decision of the Supreme Court that has set the precedent for eminent domain to extend to include commercial enterprize within "public use
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