Title: Wook at his widdle faaaaaace!
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Ten
Rating: G
Summary: So I've reached new heights of lame and done fanart for
my own fanfic. But I couldn't NOT. Because the image of Ten inspecting an alien rabbit, the look of unmitigated glee on his face- it just wouldn't leave my head. Ianto and Jack are kind of superfluous to this picture, really, so I've given a version with them cropped out. Besides, I made Ianto looking CONCERNED, when he really wasn't in the fic, and I made Jack looking entirely too smug, when HE was the one worried... *sigh* Those two just can't keep it together in the move from writing to image. Oh, well.
Also, I attempted a background in this for the fist time in... I don't know how long. And in doing so, I reminded myself why I usually don't bother with backgrounds. That's an alien bush and an alien tree on the right. Really.
Annnnnd, the version with Ianto and Jack cropped out: