Name: (real name if possible) Michelle. Unless you are family or (and even this is a bit of a stretch) friend, I will shoot you if you make a reference to that Beatles song. Because the Beatles are great, sure, but seriously, that's enough.
Nicknames: I go by Haruka - you know, one of those people who gave themselves a Japanese nickname just because. I like it because it means "distance" AND was the name of one of the only Sailor Scouts I ever liked.
Age: 17
Gender: Female.
Likes: not having a headaches, actually understanding things, listening to music, rain, cloudless skies, playing videogames, being generally useless, a good joke, sleeping, waking up after a good night's sleep
Dislikes: generally feeling uncomfortable (take that in any way you can imagine), not having any fun, not being able to actually go through with things I want to do sometimes, the fact that I have to wear glasses sometimes
Hobbies: reading, I'd say writing but I rarely feel like doing it anymore, playing videogames, doing nothing, sleeping
Talents: Um. I guess I'm smart. And I think more than most people I know.
Strong Points: Hard to see, to me at least. I guess I'm good at listening. And I have a pretty broad sense of humor. And I try to be open-minded.
Weak Points: Pretty sarcastic, and I don't make friends easy. Sometimes I want to do something, but just lack the courage or will or SOMETHING to go and do it or get it. I also have a short temper, but also calm down quickly.
Favorite Color: Red. Don't even remember why.
Number One Goal: To look at who I am and say that I'm happy with myself.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Somewhere in the middle. I set my standards low, so if something bad happens I won't be disappointed. But I also get my hopes up high.
Hyper or Calm or Normal Energy: Usually normal energy, but if I'm joking around with groups of people I can get weirdly hyper.
Impulsive or Cautious: Impulsive. I think, but a lot of the time not about what I do or what will happen if I do something.
Outgoing or Shy: Leaning more toward shy. It's hard to make friends, mostly because I am totally not used to it. I have very few casual friends, and even less best friends.
Mature or Immature?: Immature. You can't take life too seriously or your head'll explode.
Leader or Follower?: Follower. I suck at leading people, or I think I would suck, anyway.
Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Squall. I tend to like most of the main characters, because you really get a feel for what they're like and who they are (or think they are). He's a low key kind of bad-ass, with some dorkiness mixed in.
Who is your least favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Eh, I didn't really hate any of them. Dunno why. But I had fond memories of everything in FFVIII, a large part of which is because it's one of the few RPGs I have actually followed through and finished.
You find 1 million dollars on the street. Would you keep it or turn it in?
Probably turn it in, and then if no one claimed it, I'd take it and invest it in crap like savings bonds and whatever. But then again if someone did claim it, I'd bitch at myself and ask myself why I didn't keep it for myself. Uh, yeah.
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend? Accepting, loyal, trustworthy. You'd better be with me no matter what, and not afraid to tell me when I'm being a dumbass. But don't make fun of me, or I will punch you.
What is your fighting style? Well, since there are technically no battle-worthy gunblades around, and I have no weapons training at all, I'd be a fist fighter and just dive into a fight, relying on whatever strength I have to hopefully bowl someone over.
Pictures (optional): None. But I am of average height, dark brown hair that looks black unless I stand in direct sunlight, and brown eyes. People say I look depressed or whatever, but really, I don't get enough sleep so I almost always have bags under my eyes and generally just look tired. Like a walking zombie, except much livelier.
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