Name: (real name if possible) Brian
Nicknames: B, B-man
Age:b 17
Gender: Male
Likes: Is what I like! I mean...: anime, Final Fantasy (7-10+13), Halo (1-2), Freewriting, Livejournal, serenity, friends, food, the ladies, random talk, music (BoA!) and totally driving!
Dislikes: Homework (Ugh!), Projects *winches*, Extremely bright colors, the sun (It's blinding, ya?), dial-up (T_T), and very very bad jokes.
Hobbies: Telling Jokes, fighting, playing video games, reading (with Pictures!), playing the Baritone Horn (mini Tuba), swordfighting, doodling, and driving.
Talents: Unavailible at this moment, but so far, I can do stunts. ^_^;;;
Strong Points: I'm a caring and helpful person, once I come out of my shell. I am totally open-minded and try to make up my mistakes to people in one way or another. I do as I'm ordered... And, crack too many jokes. X_X
Weak Points: I'm way too quiet (my teachers complain about this), and I have anger issues against the world. I'm too reserved and unfortunately, if you want me to listen, you're just going to have to find someone else who really does care. And another thing, I tend to stay in my shell. (Parents continue to yell at me to get off my computer. X_X)
Favorite Color: Black
Number One Goal: Explore the world and (try to) meet new people.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic because the world is just...not always going to go my way...
Hyper or Calm or Normal Energy: Calm when in Public, Hyper at home
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious, I use to be impulsive when I was little, but that hurt...a lot!
Outgoing or Shy:Shy, especially around females. X_X
Mature or Immature?: Mature in Public, Immature with friends/family
Leader or Follower?: Mixture. I can be a leader when people need one, but I try to stay out of the spotlight.
Assume the following each have "and why" at the end.
Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Rinoa because she's so awesome. XD Also, she helped me beat Omega Weapon, so I'm eternally grateful.
Who is your least favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Seifer. Come on, why do we need to battle the Sorceress's Lap Dog three times?
You find 1 million dollars on the street. Would you keep it or turn it in? Turn in...most of it. I just need 20 for lunch money. ^_^;;; But yeah, I would turn it in, you never know if the person will reward you later. :D
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend? Loyalty (must), Humor (No robots), and Compassion (We all need to depend on each other some time...)
What is your fighting style? Defensive most of the time, until I find a place to strike, I'll just let it all out!
Pictures (optional):
I'm the one being punched. ^_^;;; It's like the only picture I have on my PC...
Please list the FIVE links to the users you have voted on: else?:"You remind me when I was older."