gunblades are teh smex

Mar 19, 2007 07:16

Name: Yotsuba
Nicknames: Yotsa
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Likes: music, writing, photography, animals, video games, piano, guitar, black, scarves, big boots, lolita, wolves, computers, playstation, rain, Autumn, coffee, chocolate, my friends & family

Dislikes: when music isn't appreciated for the music, rap music, when someone smokes around me, school, sports, conflict

Hobbies: playing, writing, & listening to music, track, dance, photography, video games, etc... ^^

Talents: i'm a very fast runner, high stamina, i can play piano & guitar decently good, i can almost always resolve conflicts. XD

Strong Points: smart, passionate, optimistic, creative, good listener, curious (wait... is that a good thing? x_x)

Weak Points: I'm self-concious at times, I'm a hardcore procrastinator, I forget things very easily, I'm too quiet in class & too loud around my friends

Favorite Color: Black

Number One Goal: To become a wildlife photographer & travel the world.

Optimistic or Pessimistic: I'm definitely more optimistic. I always try to see the good in things and cheer people up.

Hyper or Calm or Normal Energy: It really depends on who I'm around. If i'm around people i dont know that well, i'll bottle it all up inside... but when i'm around my friends, i'm wayyy too hyper. ^^;;;

Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious

Outgoing or Shy: I'm kinda stuck in the middle. But i'm never shy around anyone for too long. I'm mostly only shy around someone i'm JUST meeting. i get over it pretty fast...

Mature or Immature?: Mature

Leader or Follower?: Follower, i'm not organized and confident enough to be a Leader. ^^

Assume the following each have "and why" at the end.

Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Selphie was my favorite at the beginning, but after a while I fell in love with Squall. It wasnt only because he's UNBELIEVABLY hot... but I he was such an interesting character. You cant help but fall in love with him, because you're kind of growing up with him while you play the game -- you get to watch him open up and finally trust someone and change so much from beginning to end. He's very cool.

Who is your least favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Quistis. She's way too different from me -- all organized, too mature for her age, and just... blah. I still liked her, though. Haha...

You find 1 million dollars on the street. Would you keep it or turn it in? I'd turn it in, cause that's way too much money to just find. x_x

What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend? Good sense of humor, loyalty, and passion. My friends have to know it's ok to laugh at the small things & at themselves sometimes, they gotta be loyal, and I always love being friends with someone who's really passionate about something -- like how my best friend is crazy passionate about animals.

What is your fighting style? *holds up peace sign* O__O

Pictures (optional):
(i always gotta say this -- my dad is a professional photographer & took these, so dont post my pics anywhere else on the net, pwease. *laughs*)


Please list the FIVE links to the users you have voted on:
yay! i finally got five. XDD

Anything else?: :) thanks for votinggg!

selphie, stamped, rinoa

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