Name: (real name if possible) Lorn
Nicknames: Lorn the Great(self-proclaimed), I have...various other nicks as well...but there's a lot n_n;;
Gender: Female
Likes: music, singing, running, having fun, joking around, dancing for the heck of it, being loved/accepted, finding new music, coffee, tea, food, art, computers, video games, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, anime, manga, DDR, dice, randomoscity, books, hanging around, talking, scarves, anything striped, rainbows
Dislikes: spiders, inclosed spaces, onions, salmon, waking up early, being alone for too long, being scared, being looked down upon, people thinking I'm weak, disrespect, people stealing my glasses, people saying I'm wrong, people being pessimistic, dis-organization
Hobbies: internet surfing, listening to music, singing, playing the piano, chatting, drawing, reading, watching anime, reading manga, being obsessed over certain things, video games, cooking, keeping busy, Guitar Hero, DDR, working out, making icons
Talents: Singing, cleaning, cooking, being semi-decent at anything I pick up(but never really GREAT at anything), running, having too much energy(I guess that can be a talent...), sense of humor...yanno they're basically the same as my strong points. :D;;
Strong Points: Strong willed, putting others before myself, determined, spastic, up-beat, friendly, open-minded, tidy, outgoing, good sense of humor, creative, clever, optimistic, talent of connecting anything to a song(yes...that is a strength!)
Weak Points: lazyness, putting others before myself(it's a weakness as well...), short-tempered, ditzy, rambling too much, can't stick to a task that bores me, tend to panic too easily, making decisions, remembering names
Favorite Color: Black, blue, and purple(yes three). They've always been appealing to me.
Number One Goal: I want to live my life to the fullest I can, and have as much fun as possible. I want to be as optimistic as I can. I try to always look on the brightside of things, and if something bad happens, I try and get over it quickly and move on. So my goal would be to be the happiest that I can be, and be proud of the life I lead, even if it was something someone else might classify as "failing" or just a mediocre lifestyle.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic all the way. I turn anything negative into something possitive...sometimes without me realizing it. o_o;;
Hyper, Calm, or "Normal" Energy: Most of the time very-energetic to hyper active. Depending on when you catch me. I have down times'm not a morning person...don't even try talking to me before my coffee.
Impulsive or Cautious: Impulsive, although I take forever to make a decision if given the time, which results in over-thinking, and getting other people's opinions, when I end up going with my instinct in the end anyway
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing, but have my shy moments.
Mature or Immature?: People tend to see me as immature based on how I act, but I see that as their immaturity as they can't see what true maturity is.
Leader or Follower?: I like to take lead, but end up getting over-powered by someone else. I do follow orders well, but if I don't like the order, I'll...still do it...if I must, but will whine about it behind their backs.
Assume the following each have "and why" at the end.
Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Started off being Squall, but after playing the game for a bit and was introduced to Zell, I fell in love with him. His antics are just adorable...and he's the typical character I would pick to be my favorite. >>;;
Who is your least favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? ...Rinoa. She just rubs me the wrong way.
You find 1 million dollars on the street. Would you keep it or turn it in? I would LOVE to keep it, but I'd probably end up turning it in, simply because it's the "right thing to do". Who knows, the person who it belongs to might give me...a couple thousand as a finders-fee! :DDD
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend? Loyalty, good-listener (gawd do I ever need this quality in someone!), and good sense of humor (I can never have enough comedy in my I need someone to laugh at my tacky jokes/puns)
What is your fighting style? whatever I do, I always end up being the one lacking in "skill" but am definately not the weakest simply because I'm aggressive and will go off of sheer determination.
Pictures (optional):
Yey for retard-o pictures of me!! :DD
Please list the FIVE links to the users you have voted on: yey!! More people posted their applications!!! else?:
I put this at the end of every rating community application I do...because it's basically me in a nutshell...sooo you can read it, or skip over it, whatever you feel. ♥
I'm a possitive thinker. If all goes wrong, I will think of the benefits of the situation. If I applied myself in school,
I know I would do well because I am intelligent, but I don't want to, so I don't. I'm a hard worker. When I want something, nothing can get in my way from achieving my goal. I can get a bit lazy sometimes though, but I still get the job done. I have a sarcastic edge to me. People tend to think I can't be serious, or just downright think I'm always joking. That's not entirely true, I can be serious when I need to be. I'm pretty clumsy, I trip over myself constantly during the day. You can sneak up on me, and scare me pretty easily. That's mostly because I space out a lot. I can be indecisive at times, but it's only because I don't do anything half-heartedly. I constantly ask for people's help in deciding, which ultimately, doesn't help because I go with what I want in the first place. I wont settle for what I don't want or don't like, I fight for what I want until the
death(sometimes I'll resort on whining...). But I still try to keep everybody happy as well, and accomidate for everyone. Yeah, I can be a bit of a push-over sometimes. I ramble on about... basically anything. Annd I make a damn good cup of coffee! (yey for being a barista!!)