It truly astonished me that in a 4 hour shift at work I can want to kill so many people. Hell, I only waited on 20 friggin customers! I just spent the last 20 minutes explaining to some lady on the phone that I don't control the rates of CDs and that I wasn't to blame that the rate went down 2%. Not my fault, so stop bitching at me for fuck's sake
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So that whole "I'm gunna try to write in here EVERYDAY" thing.. yeah, I'm a liar - apparently. I haven't even thought about it. Lol (probably cause no one reads it, but that's okay. this is for me
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Let me take you back to 2002 when I was 14 years old. I had been having irregular periods since I was 11. I would go anywhere from one to six months between cycles. I went to the gyncologist for the first time (can you say NERVOUS?) and my doctor said, "You probably have PCOS." and left it at that. No explantation, nothing
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Someone I follow on Twitter mentioned LJ and an iPhone app and I night've squee'd a bit.
I use to update all the time! As you can tell I haven't really updated in a long time. But seeing as I'm attached to my phone like it's a permenant appendage I should hopefully update daily. :-)
Howdy! I haven't updated in FOREVER. I miss LJ, reading my entries makes me REALLLLLLLY miss my Krohell crew. Steffie, Ashley, Jamie Suave, Cathryn, Nathan, all yall
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