Man, this is rediculous but im actually nervous for tonight. This is DEFINATLY NOT my first drag show, and im actualy nervous. Could it be that i know im getting older and not as pretty as Monica? You tell me... more... )
I recently heard a song that I hadn't been privey too in the past. It was on a car commercial of all things. It strikes a powerful message, one that everyone should hear
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TRISH SUCKS! VIVA LA RUPERT! Anyone feelin me on this? By the time this is all said and done, i honestly believe that Rupert will be the most beloved Survivor of all time....even if he doest win the cool mill.
Hes my breath... Hes my suffocation. Hes my smiles... Hes my frowns. Hes my ups... Hes my downs. Hes my happines... Hes my sorrow. Hes my doing... Hes my undoing. Hes my life... He will be the death of me.
I love that man, more than I love my own life. Tell me, why isnt he all of those things will holding my hand and saying, "Gary, I love you."
I thought tonight for a final thought of the day, i would post a poem that I wrote back in high school. It almost summarizes my thoughts even today. Id love feedback, but be gentle, i used to think that poetry always had to rhyme
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I just saw a cute little survey that someone had on their LJ so i thought i would share :) Feel free to do the same on a reply to mine
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