for those of you yet unaware, i am in a new band called 'the sporting life' (nope, not a reference to the movie, the song, or anything else but the old-timey lifestyle of gentlemen drinking, screwing, gambling and fighting). we played our first public show this weekend. here are some pictures taken by sara emily kuntz:
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Mar 25, 2008 11:34
so upon returning to my car on a happy-high from watching "the princess bride" at the regent sqaure theatre sunday night, i noticed that someone must have clipped my car or bumped into it somehow. the metal panel between the door and the front wheel was dented in only slightly, but it was dented in such a way that i could barely open my driver's
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Mar 11, 2008 09:32
at least twice weekly, i arrive at work only to realize that my fly is down.
am i subconsciously sending signals? :P
Oct 03, 2007 08:54
i know it's annoying to hear people complain about the weather, but seriously, can i just have fucking october already? fall is my favorite season of the year mostly because of its refreshingly crisp days (anyone who knows me knows i hate summer and sweating), and here it is going to be in the 80's until next week. WTF? not only is it annoying,
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Sep 24, 2007 13:02
i finally bought a new bed this weekend, and my back is beginning to feel better already.
if you ever are in need of a new bed, you MUST go to the Original Mattress Factory and nowhere else. the guy who was helping me actually convinced me to spend less money than i was about to. it's a really great business.