Pete/Patrick: OTP BFF OMG

Feb 01, 2008 08:15

Title: Next Time Won't You Sing With Me?
By: txtequilanights

First of all, huge giant heaping thanks to adellyna, foxxcub, flimsy, iamtheenemy, and torturemysoul for helping me find all this stuff. ♥

Second, in the words of Cher Horowitz, this is just a jumping off point to start negotiations. This is some stuff I like to read and watch and look at and I put it all in tiny themed sections. Please to be commenting with links to a whole bunch of other stuff. It can fit in my little alphabetical themes or it can be totally different, whatever! Gimme!

Okay! First primer of the month, yay!

a is for alternate universes

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You'd Love to Lead by giddygeek

The Sun Always Shines Here by enoughoflove

This Story's Going Somewhere by jamjar

we could make beautiful music together - 18 (glenview) by iphignia939

b is for beffies

c is for crush

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d is for devoted

Pete, if you were on a deserted island and had to choose between an Ipod full of your favorite songs or Patrick, what would you pick?
Asked by sara on 2005-11-12 15:13:00

trick question. patrick is an ipod full of my favorite songs.
Answered by peter on 2005-11-13

e is for eyeliner

...and call me pretty. by linzeems


f is for fanboying

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g is for girls

How to Be a Rock Star, by Patrick M. Stump, Aged Seventeen
by trixiesfic

Woman Like A Man by longtime_lurker

just like Virginia Woolf by iphignia939

Rebel Girl by ficbyzee

h is for halo

how did patrick get the scar on his right eyebrow?
asked by overcast christian on January 25, 2008

his halo fell down and bumped him in the head.
answered by peter on January 25, 2008

i is for “it was only a kiss”

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j is for joy

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k is for “kisses on the necks of best friends”


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l is for “let’s get it on”

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m is for married

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n is for not without you

asked by I Didnt Do It on 2005-06-14 19:59:00
Hypothetically asking, Ok, what if one day you woke up and Patrick was not there. Would you be worried?

answered by pete on 2005-06-14 20:05:00
it would make me want to disappear to wherever he was.


"It was a real tour in that we went out and played shows and some band played Fall Out Boy songs, but it wasn't Fall Out Boy at all. I had to go up there and do my best Pete impression onstage, because that's all I knew. And I had to say verbatim what Pete says, because I'm an idiot and don't know anything about what to say onstage. It is a tour, so, of course we had a little fun, but every day I was like, 'I never want to sing another one of these songs ever again if that dude's not there.'"

o is for obnoxious

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p is for pete ♥ patrick

(plz note the bracelet.)

q is for quitting (to get hitched in arizona)

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r is for relationship

patrick: probably my best friend in the whole world. we can finish eachothers sentences. its strange cause ive never had a relationship like the one we have with a friend, ever. people try to make a big deal of him and my interactions and relationship. but honestly at the end of the day when the spotlights and flashes go away this kid is still gonna be here, and we'll still be friends. i could give a fuck what you say, this is one of the only people in the world that i would take a bullet for. and he has more talent in his little finger than i have in my entire body.


asked by ashlee on Apr 8 2006 6:35PM
go to quizilla .com search patrick stump and theres this gross story about

answered by peter on Apr 8 2006 7:58PM
patrick doesnt do gross things. his body is made up of kittens, saturdays, 70 degree weather, first kisses and butterflies. trust me, i cut that bitch open once to check.

s is for shape

whats your favorite shape?
mine is a rhombus!
asked by em oh ell ell why on August 24, 2007

mines a patrick.
answered by p on August 25, 2007

t is for true blue

sal and dean (or my proximity to greatness- thx jd)
after writing On the road jack was interviewed incessantly mostly about dean moriarty. most journalists assumed he was dean and that was all they wanted to know about. until his death jack proclaimed he was in fact sal paradise. dean was neal cassady. patrick is my dean. he keeps the car between the lines. he unlocks the secrets. he is the conversation. he is the magic. i know i am sal and i feel damn lucky to have the wind blowing in the thru the windows as he keeps us at 80mph. make no mistake, there is a difference between a parlor trick and true blue magic. i will remember this til the day i die.

u is for underage

Patricksitting (Call It A Love Song) by adellyna

"it may be a side effect of the exposure, but i am thinking it's meant to be" by wishpaper


v is for van days

Let The Record Show by adellyna and wishpaper


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w is for “with hearts and wrists intact”


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x is for exam

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y is for “you wanna see us together”

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z is for zzzz

cant sleep so we wrote a lullabye.
you probably wont ever hear it unless we end up at a campfire together:

honey is for bees, silly bear
besides theres jelly beans everywhere
its not what it seems, in the land of dreams
dont worry your head just go to sleep
doesnt matter how you feel
lifes just a ferris wheel
its always up and down, dont make a sound
when you wake up the world will come around
its just sweet weather and peacock feathers
in the morning itll all be better
dont worry your head just go to sleep.

And also, a few links to other Pete/Patrick primers and picspams:

One foot in your bedroom and one foot out the door - femmequixotic
the carpal tunnel of love - shrift
Pete + Patrick= <3 - firedragon9

pete wentz/patrick stump, manifesto

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