this trip to gainesville was the most masocistic experience i've ever given myself. this town has seriously ruined everything about and inside me. one more slap. big. and last. i think it's time to put an end to this livejournal thing too.
it is 3 am. i declare today to be a historical date in my life. it is the last night i am working on a project. last fucking night!! i'm freaking out. what am i going to do then? i've been living with this for the past four years. design has become my food. i'll seriously go insane.
oh and another thing. just because i'm bored this weekend and finished a bottle of fine italian wine (yes, i do excuse myself before stating anything lame). whenever i do random search, i always end up finding a journal in russian or of an annorexic girl. it doesn't really feel like a random search anymore. is there some kind of message for me???
i've been convinced to sign up for myspace. and yes i did. it's fun doing profiles and it is so addictive. but in the end, i don't quite get the idea of having a profile online just for the sake of having it. i signed up anyways. i've done a lot of things without a full comprehension of them before too. i'm a puppy.
i lost my ability to flirt. and it is all thanks to being a faithfull girlfriend of one big jerk. the closest to flirting i can do now is to throw a coaster at the guy's friend's eye. go me!