So, inspired by
entry, I have purchased and am in the process of downloading a bunch of crazy second-edition books. During this process, I have noted that yes, second edition has ridiculous monsters and items, but it also has some pretty strange ideas of good spells as well.
Sphere: Combat
Level: 1
Range: 10 yds.
Components: S
Casting Time: 1
Duration: 1 attack
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell allows the priest to generate a disgusting
spittle that can paralyze any creature it
touches. The priest must make successful attack,
and the creature is considered to be is at short
range. Any creature struck must make a success-
11 saving throw vs. spell or lose the use of the area
struck (see the table below). The attack can be used
but once, and the spells ends if not used within 5
rounds of the casting. All effects last ld4+1
rounds. The DM might alter the hit location chart
to account for creature facing or non-humanoid
body type.
Notes: Granted by Iuz the Evil of the GREYXAWK
Spittle Hit Location Table
1d8 Roll / Area Struck / Effect
1 / Head / Unconscious
2-4 / Body / Paralyzed
5 / Weapon Arm / No attacks
6 / Non-weapon Arm / No shield bonus
7-8 / Leg / Movement reduced 50%; lose defensive Dexterity bonuses
I spit on you!
Aunty’s Bath
Level: 1
Range: 0
Components: V; S, M
CastingTime: 1
Duration: 1 hr
Area of Effect: 100 gallonstlevel
Saving Throw: None
The spell causes a water source to instantly
become soapy. Unseen hands scrub bubbles upon
all living matter in the water. The hands and soap
disamear when the spell duration runs out.
This spell was created by the old wizard Aunty
Carlys, who often found herself taking care of
adventurers’ children. The children were not fond
of baths, and Aunty discovered that if she lured
them into a small pond on the pretext of swimming,
she could cast this spell and make them
clean. Aunty’s bath is a derivative of the unseen
servant and conjure elemental spells. Aunty k
bath is especially good for washing dogs, odorous
friends, and pesky water-hased monsters.
The material component is a bar of soap.
Notes: Rare spell. (Updated from POLYHEDRON
Newszine.) Come here, Aunty will clean you all up!
(also another excellent way to deal with baby poop, for those who can't afford that cradle thing but can afford a lot of 1st-level spells :-P )