Does the airport have special airport fortune cookies? I just got a fortune cookie at the airport that said that I would "have an exciting trip at a great destination.".
That just seems a little too specific to be random.
I am so hoping that everything is going to work out on the interview circuit. I have decided to be more proactive in calling and writing programs to let them know of my interest. Maybe being more proactive I'd the key. Either way I just can't keep sitting around hoping thatbthongs are going to fall into place. *sigh*
Have you ever had a salad get you down? I just had the worst salad of my life and I got so depressed that I had to go eat a burger and fries just to feel better :). So yeah, sometimes you just need a burger.
Hey there everyone, I am typing a message from my new iPhone. I need practice with the keypad but I am getting better with each passing moment. It's late though so now I am going to go to bed.