A Meme for Rememberance

Jun 23, 2010 14:33

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want -- good or bad. When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you.

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Comments 12

A memory that helped me leohtulf June 23 2010, 21:40:23 UTC
I was walking past your encampment at the first W/A war at Gold Beach, and you stopped me and said something to the effect of 'Have I mentioned how much better my SCA world is because you are in it?'
That had me smiling for the rest of the week...even when I was pretty unimpressed by my performance on the war field.


remembrance anonymous June 23 2010, 21:47:12 UTC
The last event we were at, your hair like a fiery halo framing your face and I mentioned it to you. A few years ago, you calling my wife up into court when you were queen, and thanking her for the work she had done, then telling her you were not done with her yet, then asking her to be a laurel. How many other, lesser moments have we shared? all pleasant and all remembered. You are cherished. Sometimes I think your life is too full for me to intrude upon it. Every time you touch my life I am blessed and thankful.


Re: remembrance baroness_eilis June 23 2010, 22:14:03 UTC
Who are you???


Re: remembrance crimsonkil June 24 2010, 01:56:54 UTC
Sorry, tis Crimson


lapioggia June 23 2010, 22:47:50 UTC
You taught me about "A kingdoms" a useful warning since I now live in one :>

miss you


talonvaki June 23 2010, 23:24:19 UTC
So many...but the one that comes to mind first is the Crown when Phil won the first time. Friday night, he drops by the BC in jeans and a T tunic...eating a roast beef sandwich. Harri smelled it and Phil had to share. Then, the next night, after Phil had won Crown, he comes by the BC on his victory tour and Harri perked up at the sound of his voice...for a moment. Then he settled back down, basically blowing Phil off. Phil was like, WTF? And you said, "Well, gee, Phil...tonight you don't have a sandwich!"

Also the night we ran into Harri out by the privies...


twistle June 23 2010, 23:34:36 UTC
Holiday meals - you've helped me have family in a strange land - thank you!


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