Title: Rainbow’s Freedom (Rainbow Prisms Arc) (5-8/42)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: (these chapters): Dick, Clark/Bruce, Alfred, Kara Zor-El, Hal/Steve/Diana (Hal & Steve do not appear in Ch. 7), Barbara Gordon
Series Notes: In the 23rd century, Earth is a technologically-advanced society that practices the ancient institution of slavery. Clark finally learns about his identity and heritage. Will that knowledge tear him and Bruce apart? Meanwhile, Rebellion and Abolition twist and turn in the pageantry of events.
The entire series can be found
here.Genres: AU, Challenge, Drama, Slavefic
Rating: (these chapters): G, G, G, G
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Clark takes joy in flying again. Dick joins him. ;)
Summary: Clark makes a decision.
Summary: Kara meets Wonder Woman.
Summary: Bruce gets a shock after completely reading the reports from Lex and Silas Bracken’s safe.
Dates Of Completion (First Draft): September 24, 26, 30, October 9, 2010
Dates Of Posting: September 5, 10, 17, 21, 2011
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 1043 + 388 + 1293 + 2056 (Total: 4780)
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
Author’s Note: The magnificent story cover is by the wonderfully-talented
ctbn60. Thanks so much, luv! :)
Chapter Five: The Joy Of Flying Chapter Six: The Law Chapter Seven: Regal Chapter Eight: Tease The Rainbow