I may have requested to join some communities from the screen name tarakins42. That is me...I am going to strictly be using my personal page from now on so I would love to add those communities that I have here there. If you got a request please accept as I would love to remain a member!! Thank you!
This site is a must add, she is one of my all time favorite designers and she is so sweet as well! If you don't have her page added do so now and tell her bbdesigns sent you!!!
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This is for everyone!Please if you have anything that was for me recently please send it to me if you can....I can not even believe my entire LJ folder was deleted...don't ask lol! I appreciate it and apologize!
Once again I changed the layout, I just felt like I needed some bright colors and well why not St. Patrick's Day theme already lol...just felt like it lol!
New layout...it's not fancy like alot of sites but you know what it is the first layout I have ever made!! I am proud of it and hope to get some things going on this page soon!
I haven't offered anything on here because I am a little uneasy about how to use LJ completely still but I miss making offers too so I am going to give this try and offer this to anyone on my friends list!
Add the AMAZING community if yu have not already...they offer gorgeous freebies and awesome paid requests as well!! I have personally orderd from them and they rock. Tell them bbdesigns sent you when adding them please..Thanks!