So long has it been! Finally, I got a new digital camera. Unfortunately, I'm still learning how to tame it, so some of the pictures are a bit off. Anyway, thank you for looking at these.
Things have been extremely busy in my life with work and being married etc that I can no longer be part of as many communities as I am, thus is why I wish to bid farewell to the ones I have not be active on in a long time. Some of you are in other communities I will be staying in but either way if you wish to add me just comment on my journal.
Does anyone have a tattoo on their abdomen and if so, does it look wierd with the stretch marks (like has it warped at all)? I'm just wondering because I want one there. If anyone has any suggestions on a good place for a chubby girl to get one, let me know. I already have one on my back and haven't noticed alot of stretching.