So, I am finally in Nevada again. Christmas was kind of fun. I really miss some people though (Charley, Dave, Jamie, Justin, etc.). It's going to be lonely out here. At least there is AIM.
Comment.. should I put up some of those survey/question thingies in here?
yea, so Bryan came out last weekend. That was a lot of fun, nice to get to see him sometimes. Finals this week.. arg. Then off for christmas break. That will be nice.
I want everyone who reads this to please ask me 3 questions, no more no less. ask me anything you want and i will answer it completely honestly. Then, go to your journal, copy and paste this, allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything
Well, things have gotten better. Still too much to do though.. I'll probably end up failing Calc III. That upsets me greatly. But I'm gonna keep trying
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hmm... something to write (Jamie wants me to update this..) Well.. not much has happened. everything is going pretty much normal. Had a rush event last night at a Buffalo wing place. That was fun, but we only had about 5 freshmen come out. umm.. yea I dunno.. I really don't have anything useful to say.