Title: The Law of Universal Gravitation 5: The Rules of Classical Mechanics
allthingsholy, with
juniperlane, &
montycrowleySummary: There is no victory. There is no marvelous defeat. The righting of his world and the return of some semblance of order is pulled away the moment his fingers play his final card.
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Sheldon/Penny
Spoilers: Through 3.05,
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Comments 61
I was I could say the sex was hot because, hey, sex, but I doubt that it's really meant to be and it works better that way. It's sad. It's painful. It's beautiful.
The ending lines are just ♥
This was so very worth the wait.
Again, thanks so much for taking the time to read and review. The next chapter should be up before too long.
This entire paragraph - this entire chapter - is shatteringly beautiful, but these lines, in addition to Don’t think, Sheldon tells himself. Don’t think. So he doesn’t. are so, so right.
When I say Sheldon is out of character here, I don't mean you have written him badly. The exact opposite in fact. Sheldon, as person, lives his life a certain way. He holds himself up as being as close to perfect as he can conceive of, he tries never to lower himself to begging for anything, and his constant, his touchstone is his intellect - thinking. To be so broken, to have reached a place where he abandons all of that... in a way, on certain levels he isn't Sheldon right now. Or more accurately, the Sheldon he strives to be. He's an emotional human mess in ways he hasn't been since those awful moments in his past he can't escape.
Love, love, love this. ( ... )
I look forward to your reviews a lot, because you really do seem to get through to the heart of the characterizations (the ones we're going for at least) and really leave us something worthwhile.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review, and hopefully the next section should be up before too long.
Thank you for taking the time time and effort to write such amazing fic!
Thanks for taking the time to read and review.
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