Are you getting yr shrooms from the farmer's market, hunting your own, or do you have a SECRET SOURCE? I'm going to try the Butcher's Block, who had them for the lowlow price of $13 a pound last year, but if you're going hunting and wouldn't mind company, I've never been...
My mother used to work in an office on the south side of Indy and would point out this really creepy old rundown church that was Jim Jones' first church.
I always forget he was born and raised in Indiana until I read something about Jonestown (or watch a documentary). There's something about those li'l podunk Indiana towns ... creepy indeed.
Yes! I haven't seen it yet -- well, a friend did a collage of my write-up for me, so I've seen my bit but not the whole article. It should be pretty cool!
Daniel Wright was a preacher in Indianapolis at a church Jim Jones attended. He tried to persuade Jones against pursuing the ministry. Later, Daniel founded and led (until his death a few years ago) the commune I was born in.
Wow, small world. The documentary was really good but scary. Lots of first-hand accounts from the few survivors and some people who left Jonestown or Peoples Tempe before things goot too weird. Except for the drug thing (well, and that he was probably a pedophile ... okay, and he also thought he was the only heterosexual on Earth ... that everyone else was homo ...), JJ had some interesting communist ideals. One "escape plan" if Guyana didn't pan out was to move the commune to the Soviet Union. His paranoia/persecution complex did him in, though. I bet Daniel saw that in him early on.
Comments 14
I'm hunting and yes you can come!
Thanks for the congrats!
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